Sunday, January 31, 2010

Statement of Intent

I will be making a piece of moving image based on the statistics surrounding potholes. The statistics I will use will focus on the increase of road damage this year due to weather conditions, costs of repairs, costs of insurance payouts to drivers whose vehicles have been affected and how many people have been affected.

The critical stance I am taking is that roads are in a bad condition and that something should be done about it. I will be taking a less serious approach as the subject matter would be viewed by many as slightly mundane and far less life affected than some other more weighty topics. Nevertheless, the high cost of road repairs to councils and vehicle repairs to businesses and individuals should not be underestimated during a recession.

Although I will mainly be looking at the statistics about car and road damage I have also researched into several news stories involving accidents that have occurred from people swerving to avoid potholes. The AA Driving School have even now introduced a section to lessons to concentrate on dealing with the terrible road conditions.

I will be predominantly by using animation, using type in a way inspired by Jarratt Moody's Pulp Fiction Typography.

I have also drawn inspiration from a scene in the film 'Yellow Submarine' directed by George Dunning. The scene, 'Sea of Holes' where the characters are surrounded by black holes which take on a different state of matter, allowing the characters to pick the holes up. The scene also plays a lot with perspective, distorting it in unexpected ways, something I would like to use for my own design. I also like the psychedelic feel given to the animation and would like to use this to keep the animation light-hearted and interesting, this will also affect my colour choices. I don't plan to use a voice over but will use a background track to fit with the speed of the animation, but not detract from it.

I will try to keep the animations simple focusing on text which I will integrate with the images, attempting to make them interact. I would like to make the points clear using a minimal amount of text to keep the viewers attention and make the points clear. I will be using some images to illustrate certain figures to make the statistics clearer and to have more impact.

I have collected statistics from and from and will base my statistics on the UK only. I have also contacted Bournemouth and Poole Councils to get local statistics.

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