Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Interim Crit

Today was an interim critique., a week before the hand in date. Despite feeling incredibly ill I managed to drag myself in, and I am glad that I did. I've been struggling a lot with this project, finding it hard to trust my own ideas and generate unique ideas that also have to be ethical and economical...
However, I presented what I have so far and the feedback was really positive. I was concerned that my leaflet idea was slightly dull and I know it could also be quite a costly idea. The idea went down well and suggestions were made as to how to go about designing a donation box.
The criticisms that were made of my poster were fair and helpful and not aspects that I had considered myself. I was told that it looked slightly threatening in the current red and black colour scheme and that it would be worth working on this adding a certain positive aspect to encourage people to donate rather than guilt them into it. I do agree with this and have begun working on different colours but keeping the same basic idea of the poster layout. I was also concerned that not enough information was contained in the poster but this did not seem to be an issue, so I am happy to keep it the way that it is.

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