Saturday, January 9, 2010


I began the new year in Marrakech which was extremely inspirational. The culture is very different to ours and in terms of the War on Want project allowed me to see extreme poverty first hand. This was extremely upsetting but I feel it allows me to become more involved in the current project. Something I have learnt through researching charity advertisements is that people are far more likely to donate if they can identity with that charity and after seeing the ways in which some people are forced to live I can easily agree with this.
As well as the different ways in which people live Marrakech was also very inspirational in terms of colour and design and I definitely hope to use these influences in my work at some stage. I really liked the patterns on this lantern and bowl, however I am particularly pleased with the above photograph. I think the light works really well and the sawdust in the air highlights this.

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