Sunday, December 13, 2009


I have decided to use War on Want's work in Palestine to be represented in my poster.
These are a couple of images I have worked on for the War on Want poster, they are strong in the simple shapes and colours but I do not think they work as final images.
The wall shown in the first image is the wall that has been built in Palestine that is splitting families, stopping people from working and gaining an education. I think the wall is a strong symbol of the occupation and events that are happening there. However, without a further knowledge of Palestine and what is happening a viewer may not understand the connection, it might make them want to look into what is happening more but chances are they will just look away.
The second image is of a child with chains around it's wrists, something an adult actually did for a protest against what is happening. The image is visually strong and emotive, however I do not think it is enough just to show the image of a child in distress as it does not say anything about what is actually happening.

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