Saturday, December 19, 2009

Black Boxes

This final group project before Chirstmas asked us to create a piece of visual communication that promotes a particular product. Each group was given an envelope containing the name of a product. Then, as a group we put together clues that hinted at what our given product was, in our case it was Dorset Cereals.
Our cryptic clues to give away what the product was, was to draw a door + a person sitting down then the eye to represent seeing and reel, as in a feel of film. If said aloud correctly this would become Dorset Cereal.
The clues we were given we worked out to be Aquafresh toothpaste. We created a poster advertising the toothpaste using their logo of the three stripes to replace lips. We created this using Photoshop and a photograph of Matt smiling.
Our group worked well together brainstorming ideas successfully before we all committed to an idea that everyone agreed on. The only place we fell down on was the presentation. We spent a long time designing the poster and deciding each detail of the layout that we had not considered who or how we would present, so did not appear particularly professional.

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