Friday, December 10, 2010


I have now started looking at the D&AD briefs for this year.  I've decided that it would be best to work in a group as together we would have a much wider variety of ideas, and combined we would be able to produce a much more professional outcome.  My group will be with Joana Martins and Natasha Bulley and we have decided to do the Body Shop packaging brief.
   We have begun by looking into already existing Body Shop packaging and other packaging that looks interesting and creative.  We have decided that it is important that the packaging will be sustainable and have looked into many sustainable packaging designs.  The factor we need to make sure we remember are that the product needs to stay fresh and not go off, so the packaging needs to be air tight and sealed.  
   We need to design packaging for four products; a body butter, a White Musk product, a Tea Tree product and a liquid foundation.  The one we feel we will have most trouble with is the foundation as it will need to have a pump on it.

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