Saturday, October 8, 2011

A View of Students' Work

Today we were given the chance to show our work to the class and to a visiting Illustrator, Holly Wales.  We were asked to chose three pieces that represent the direction we wish to take in level 6.  I decided to include a typographic piece as I would like to continue exploring my interest in expressive typography, I chose a figure drawn in pen and ink, as this is a style I enjoy working in, particularly with figures and in greyscale with an occasional splash of colour, and finally a double page layout from my 'Lady of Shallot' book as this combined image and text with a delicate style I have began sing more recently.

As I had moved over from Visual Communications this was a great opportunity, for me to see the other student's work and the variety of styles used within the course.  I was interested to see how broadly the term 'Illustration' could be used to include so many different medias and ideas.  This was incredibly inspiring and I found it very interesting to here each person talk about their work and their different passions for the subject.

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