Friday, October 29, 2010

Business Identity

Lise Meitner is the woman that discovered nuclear fission which eventually lead to the creation of the atomic bomb.  I wanted to design her a stationary set that reflected her work as a physicist and mathematician that also drew on the business card designs that existed in her time.
   The font choice I made was Minion Pro a serif font that is simple and elegant.  Lise Meitner was frequently over looked as a woman scientist, for example, her male partner won the nobel prize for her discovery.  Because of this I decided to leave her gender off her card, showing her name as 'L. Meitner'.
   I have used a cream coloured linen effect paper for the stationary, the colour resembling those used in the 1930s.  I also added a light graph paper effect to bring in her work as a mathematician.  I wanted to combine the 1930s business card designs and artwork from the time when Meitner discovered nuclear fission, with a more modern approach.
   I wanted Meitner's card to be different and attract people's attention and I found the best way to do this was to use Meitner's connection to the atomic bomb, making a pop-up explosion when the card is opened.  I have kept the explosion hidden away until the card is opened to reflect Meitner's regret at her association with the atomic bomb.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Brad Surcey

While researching into business cards and stationary sets I came across Brad Surcey who has created some beautiful cohesive sets.  I included images below of two in particular that caught my eye.   I love the bright colours and combination of pattern and block colour in the first image.  The plastic semi-opaque cards look substantial and like something you would be happy to hold on to.
The second set uses more softer colours with beautiful ornate typography for a different kind of audience or client.  This set again holds together beautifully and although it has intricate patterns it is also simplistic and clean.
For more designs visit his website.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lise Meitner

   The next project, 'Business Identity' is to create a stationary set for a known person.  the person I picked out of the hat was Austrian-born, later Swedish Physicist who was part of the team that discovered Nuclear Fission which later lead to the invention of he Atom Bomb.  Meitner was overlooked for a nobel prize that was instead awarded to her male partner, Otto Hahn.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thank You Haruki Murakami

I have picked the author Haruki Murakami to say thank you to.  In recognition of his work and the inspiration he has given me. 
I decided that the best way to say thank you is to use the words of the people he admires and thank him in their words.  Murakami frequently uses Western references, musicians and authors in his novels.  The people he mentions are people he respects and admires so I chose four and used their quotes. I have reflected the way he combines Western and Japanese cultures by using a Japanese blossom pattern on the back of the book.
Unfortunately the paper quality isn't as good as it could have been so the ink has gone though from one side to the other so given time I would have used better materials.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thank You

   For the first project withing 'Visual Communication in Context' I have decided to choose the author Harauki Murakami to thank.  I have read many of his books and did my previous dissertation on the 'Search for Identity within the Novels of Haruki Muakami'.  I have refreshed my knowledge by looking through information on him and looking into interviews with him.  From the information I have read I feel that it is important to make sure I concentrate on his references to Western Culture within his books.
For more information on Haruki Murakami visit here.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Second Year

We have been thrown into this year with a long three part project concentrating on design for print for specific audiences. After a long summer it is quite a shock to come straight back to work towards deadlines but it is good to have some structure again.

This year I would like to improve my technical ability, making sure I follow briefs to the letter and do not miss out on any specifications that mean I may lose marks. I would also like to involve myself more in projects outside university, working on competition and live briefs. I will also try to move outside my comfort zone to make sure I improve and extend my skills. I would like to become more knowledgeable about more practitioners in the field and read and research more thoroughly than in my first year.