Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Layout PPRD

I have enjoyed this project the most so far, unfortunately not because of the layouts but because it has given me the opportunity to use illustrations.

I was annoyed at the beginning of this project because I was told my illustration was too ‘me’. I understand why I was told this, that is was too early to settle on a design and that the idea of the course was to experiment. However, this did raise a lot of questions for me as to where I would like this course to take me.

I am an organised and methodical person and unfortunately this shows in my work, making it hard to be loose and experimental. However, being pushed by my tutors allowed me to try techniques I would not have ordinarily. I used 3D letters that I had made out of card, placing them in different environments. I also painted a free hand header with ink that I thought worked so well I decided to use.

I gained a lot from the photographer I was looking at, Bruce Connew. To begin with I was worried about being given a photographer as I felt it limited my illustration options. However, I actually felt very inspired by his work, and by his words. I sent him an email at the beginning of the project with a few additional questions, and although he took some chasing, his reply was more than I could have hoped for. He took a lot of time with his answers even though he knew it was just a university project. He also sent a photo from his new, unfinished series which I felt so honoured to have. He also sent me the link to his favourite photograph, I found the reasons behind his choice so interesting. He made the choice not to use text in his books but the clear amount of thought behind each image makes me really wish he had.

I found it difficult to reflect Bruce Connew’s personality visually in the layout, as people are not as simple as they may appear. His work is thoughtful and organised yet his life is spontaneous and dangerous. I used a combination of organised white spaces and neat base text in contrast to the flowing title page and stamp effect sub-heading. I decided to do the whole article in black and white as I felt this simplicity reflected his words better, it also put emphasis on the layout and typography and image choices. I feel that black and white also gives an idea of photography relating to the past, and black and white photography is a technique that Connew often employs.

I was very pleased with my final illustration as I feel the developments I made to it allowed it to work in a much more interesting way. I used photographs I had taken of someone with a camera to paint a black and white, contrasting ink painting. I then wanted to illustrate Connew’s belief that, ‘we are here temporarily, we’re all migrants, from somewhere to somewhere.’ I then used cut out shapes from the body and added small squares as if they were peeling away. I wanted these to represent photographs, drifting away, ‘the photographs will disappear, the books will fall into the ocean in the next major earthquake.’

I found learning InDesign very useful as it is software I have used frequently recently yet I have never actually learnt how to use it. I found it simple to learn and I know it will be very useful in the future.

In the future I would like to attempt a layout that allows me to be much more free in my designs, experimenting with space and illustrations a lot more. Looking at other magazine layouts I found that the most interesting were either the very simplistic or those that tried something very different.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Magazine Layout

This is my final layout illustration. I used the cut out shapes to show how temporary Bruce Connew believes his photos are, and how temporary he believes life is. I also want the image to show how he believes a photographer will put a piece of himself into a photograph he takes, be it past experience, education or opinion.

Bruce Connew

Today I received an email from Bruce Connew. It was a really thought through response and I am so grateful to him for taking the time to respond. His thought provoking answers have not only helped me with my project but made me think more about my own work and look at his in a different way.
Connew also mentioned where his next project would be taking him, mapping his childhood neighbourhood. He sent an early photo from the series, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest when it is finished.
I really feel now, more than ever that I would like to present the article on him in a way he would approve and show his personality in the choice of text and images.

'Design becomes part of the encouragement of the idea ... it must respond to the idea. Very few designers are capable of that response, it takes a fine mind.'

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Blog...

For my new personal blog follow this link.

End of the Year

Reflecting on everything that I have learnt from Visual Communication this year my experiences are very varied. As an illustrator primarily, I have found the design process with regards to graphic design difficult, and different from anything I have done before.

When I began this course I was not completely clear what 'Visual Communication' would encompass. I now feel that it can include a broad variety of things and is actually very open to interpretation. Almost all design work requires thought related to semiotics and subtle visual orientated decisions and I have learnt a lot about motivations behind these decisions.

I have always had a keen interest in typography, particularly experimental typography, so I have enjoyed learning more about this and learning technical terms for typographical elements.

This year has been very software orientated; I have learnt to use Indesign, Quark, After Effects, Flash and Illustrator. I know this will be very useful to me in the future and I need to make sure I continue to practise and expand my skills.

I have really enjoyed creating my own blog and update it regularly, using it as an ongoing diary to recall mistakes and document progress. Researching different typographers, designers and artists has encouraged me to create my own personal blog with everything that inspires me, I have found this to be a helpful resource to turn to when I need ideas and I enjoy sharing other artist's work with people who may not be aware of it.

Seeing many different designers speak on the course and going to the Four Designers Conference in London has allowed me to receive some really helpful advice. I now realise how important it is to promote myself, taking any opportunities and contacts I can to further my work. This is something I have always found daunting but already this has paid off as I have been given work outside of the course and have managed to organise two work placements and another in the summer.

I have had the most trouble with ideas generation, attempting to create something that is interesting and unique, yet fits the brief and my budgeting requirements. However, I believe I have got better at this as the course has progressed. I would like to have more opportunities to work on my artwork, as the only time I feel I can do this currently is outside the course as my own style is rarely relevant. I believe that if I am to get to a standard that will allow me to study BA Illustration, either at the Arts University College in Bournemouth or elsewhere, I will have to do this in my own time or I will very quickly become out of my depth.

Monday, April 12, 2010



Today we went to Dayfold printers to see the printing process first hand. It was very interesting seeing the different printing processes and how many stages each piece will go through before completion.
Their blog is here.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Icons of the Highway

Yesterday I went to the Icons of the Highway exhibition at the Fox Talbot Museum at Lacock Abbey, the photographs are by Tony and Eva Worobiec. This exhibition shows a tale of America as it once was through the neon lit diners, cinemas and motels that are scattered along the highways. Many of these images actually remind me of the photos I took of neon signs for the 'Look Again' project at the beginning of the year.

Creative Typography

I got sidetracked byt this creative way to create words in the music video 'Divisive' by UK based We Have Band produced by Solab in Paris.