Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

London Sea Life Centre

This weekend I visited London Sea Life Centre, it was easier now I have a better idea of what I am looking for.  I tried to take as many photos as I could of strange and interesting fish, particularly brightly coloured ones.  I was especially interested by the huge turtles and sharks with terrifying teeth!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Portsmouth Aquarium

Portsmouth Aquarium was a really useful starting off place, to see fish swimming naturally and watch how they move.  It was great to get so close to the fish too, they all seem to have their own expressions which will translate really well as characters.

The photos I have taken of fish swimming is really helpful to create a scene.  At the moment I only have fish from the side, but not from other perspectives so this allows me to find more creative ways to position them.

The two horned cow fish.  I love this fish, he was so strange looking and definitely deserves a place in my book.

Leopard Moray Eel

I really like the way the light shines through the water, I'd like to experiment with backgrounds to achieve a similar effect.

The jelly fish look amazing, especially with this lighting.  I think they would work well to be created with ink.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Children's Book

The children's book market is constantly changing so it is difficult to keep up with what is popular.  In preparation for my children's book I have been to several book shops to see which books are currently popular. 

There are many fairy tale books, picture books for younger children, there are silly stories and more serious ones.  There is a broad variety of types of book, so I have decided to focus on a fantasy fiction book with bright hand drawn illustrations.

I have written a story that is fun and imaginative with adventure, mystery and a threat that is overcome.  The story is based around a girl that imagines she is swimming in the sea while she is playing in the bath.