Monday, December 26, 2011

Professional Project

The briefing for this project filled me with terror and excitement simultaneously! I had been thinking about the professional project fro a long time, trying to work about what the best way to showcase my work would be, but finally hearing the briefing made everything a lot more real.

I have, after a lot of thought, decided to create a children's book based on a story I have written.  Although I have not produced anything like this before I feel that it would be a really great project to develop and challenge my skills.  I have worked a lot in black and white recently so would like to add colour, but also stick with the ink and water technique I have been using.  I would also like to expand the project and think about creating three dimensional characters and posters from the artwork. I know my project will change a lot on the journey buut I will begin by experimenting with styles and considering the storyboard.

Week of Inspiration

The last week before Christmas was a week full of lectures from different illustrators, the talks were incredibly interesting and were also very inspiring. I was having difficulty deciding what my final project should be, and I was beginning to feel overwhelmed about it, however now I feel confident in my decision to create a children's book and am really looking forward to experimenting and developing it.

I found Salvitore Rubbino particularly interesting, the way his books develop and change through time and conversations with publishers.  I love his use of texture in his work and the variety of methods he brings together cohesively.  Seeing his storyboarding and process has helped me a lot in knowing the best way to work.

Hayley Potter's talk was very useful, she showed how she had developed since university highlighting that the experimenting never finishes, and that my work will change constantly.  I found the way she used one piece but in such a variety of ways, for example on cushions or 3D really interesting and something I would really like to try next year.  

After Hayley Potter, David Callow spoke, I have admired his work for a long time so I was really looking forward to this talk.  His work is so intricate and beautiful, it was amazing to see it projected on the large screen and hear about how much work went into each piece.  Similar to Hayley, David also re-uses images that have worked will but changes them to fit different briefs.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum was great to see some really weird and interesting fish that I would not have seen otherwise.  It was also interesting to see the model of the whale, to get some idea of how huge it is and how it would look in relation to other characters in the story.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011