Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Springhead Plant Lovers' Day

I've recently been working on designing publicity materials for an event at Springhead Garden. I went there today and took a few photos, it was really great to see people wandering around with the brochures that I had designed.
More photos of the event are here

Tann Westlake

For the second half of my work placement I have been working with Tann Westlake based in Sussex on the re-branding for Littlehampton Harbour. This is a really great project to contribute to and a nice change to spend a long time on one project rather than the quickly produced pieces with Tasty marketing.
Simon, who i have been working with has been really supportive guiding me though what I need to do. I've spent time producing logos and advertisements designed to be in magazines promoting Littlehampton Harbour. the harbour is looking to have a completely new image to appeal at a more liesure boat type market rather than it's current industrial, fishing image. I also visited Littlehampton to get an idea of the place, the weather was quite dull so the photos I took are not wonderful but they were a help for inspiration.
More photos can be found here

Tasty Marketing

For my first work placement I worked a week at Tasty Marketing in the Enterprise Pavillion. This was an interesting week doing very varied work from writing press releases to designing advertisements. This was a useful experience, working in an office related environment however I do not want to do this line of work in the future as it seems very limiting and the idea of working on a computer all day would kill me.
I am incredibly grateful for the oportunity to experience a Marketing company and I managed to produce several pieces that I was pleased with, however I would prefer to be more hands on in my approach to solutions.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Hanging glass sculpture in the entrance of the V&A

I went to the V&A at the weekend to see the Quilts exhibition, quilts from 1700 - 2010. The exhibition was really interesting and varied, the stories that went with each quilt were fascinating and often moving. The below quilt, 'Punctuation' by Sarah Impey was my favourite, she played between constructing the written word and manufacturing the quilt.

Thursday, May 6, 2010